What is just as bad for the body as smoking a cigarette? I’m sure you can’t find the right answer to this question so I will tell you—- drinking soda! Drinking soda actually could be worse than smoking and here is why. Massive marketing from the industry  makes drinking sodas look acceptable for the most vulnerable members of our society– our kids. It is ironic that if the tobacco industry targeted our kids with their advertising there would be an outpouring of protest. Yet, soda companies do it everyday. In fact they use many of the same marketing tactics as the tobacco industry.  Go figure!

Soda is linked to numerous health problems among children and adults including obesity, liver disease, diabetes, heart disease and even violent behavior. Yet it is a well known fact that the soda industry finds research to discredit links between soda drinking and health problems.

It is also well known that poor diet, particularly one high in sugar, exacts a toll on emotional health. A diet high in sugar, fructose and sweetened beverages like soda also causes excessive insulin spikes which in turn can cause agitation, depression, anger, anxiety and panic attacks.

So can drinking soda affect your child behavior? Yes it can! A recent study revealed that frequent soft drink consumption was associated with a 9-15% point increase in the probability of engaging in aggressive actions. Researchers concluded “there was a significant and strong association between soft drinks and violence. This could be cause-effect relationship between in the sugar or caffeine content of the soft drinks.

Food and beverage companies spend $2 billion a year promoting unhealthy food to kids. The Interagency Working Group on Foods Marketed to Children reported nearly 40% of children diets come from added sugar and unhealthy fats. I wonder if this percentage would be as high in Dominica?

Surely parents on the island rely  more on provisions and local products than spending what little money is available at times on commercial imported junk food.  Or are sodas and junk foods a big part of the Dominica children’s diets?? Could some of the recent violence in our school be traced to poor nutrition?? Something to consider –to be sure.

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