I found myself without internet connection for several days.  At first there was a moment of anxiousness about being able to conduct my business properly and staying connected with family, associates, and friends during this holiday season.

However, by the second day I realized I was spending much more time enjoying my surroundings.  I was noticing the “little things”….the brilliant redness of a hibiscus flower, the green alluring eyes of a very black cat, the symmetry of ripples from a fish nose on the water, my own rhythmic breathing, the laughter of distant happy people.

And I had to ask myself, aren’t we all connected by a more subtle energy than technology?  The answer that came back to me is “of course”.  And what is that energy’s name?  The answer that came back is LOVE.

Now that may sound pretty corny to the more geeky among us.  But I am reminded of my very young son, approaching me at the age of five, with a concentrated look of thought on his face as he pulled at the skin on his arm and asked me, “Mom, what holds us together?”

For a brief moment I held my breath as the thoughts of atoms, quarks and quantum physics swirled in my head.  How would I explain all that to a five year old child?  Yet, before I could answer, his eyes brightened and he looked up at me with great resolve and said, “I know.”  I answered, relieved and curious, “You do? What is it?”  And this amazing Being standing in front of me with a great smile on his face replied in the most definite voice of wisdom, “It’s LOVE!”

“Absolutely,” I said with great emotion, as I bent down to hug my offspring.  “Love holds the stars in the sky, the trees on the earth and all other living things together.”  So I wish for everyone reading this, that you connect this holiday season not only with technology but with LOVE.  Happy Holy Days humanity!

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