Below is a list of some of the more effective ways of raising your vibration and thus your energy level to a place where you operate and experience life at your best. As you read the list, pay attention to the ones that jump out at you and resonate with you the most, and start there.

Closing your eyes and taking 5-10 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth is incredibly helpful in getting you unstuck and releasing any feelings of fatigue, stress, worry or anxiety. We typically breathe very shallowly throughout the day, and our brains & bodies do not get the proper amount of oxygen necessary to operate at our maximum potential.


Drinking plenty of water, one ounce per pound of body weight, more when exercising,  Dehydration can be sneaky, and often causes many symptoms from headache, to dry skin and hair, to breathing problems, to a bad mood.

Smile! When you smile, you are actually causing a chemical reaction in your body that releases dopamine (happy hormones) and makes you feel good!

Spend time in gratitude. Take a few moments to write down or think of at least 10 things you are currently grateful for, anything from the wonderful people in your life to your comfy slippers. The energy of gratitude is one of the highest, and when you choose to participate in it, miracles can happen.

Affirmations galore! Our bodies respond to the thoughts that we have, so if you intentionally have an empowering and positive thought, phrased in the present tense, your body can’t help but respond accordingly. Start simple, with something like, “I am better and better every day and in every way”, or “I am loved”. The two words “I am” are the two most powerful words in the English language.

Move your body! Put on music that lights you up and inspires you to sing and/or dance. Run, skip, jump, twirl, kick, spin, exercise, etc. Get those endorphins flowing!

Release the negative by clearing space. I mean this physically, mentally and emotionally. Make that bed, delete those unwanted emails, pay those stack of bills that you keep avoiding, say no to things you don’t want to do, write out all of your frustrations and emotions in your journal or vent to a friend. It may not exactly feel good while you’re actually doing these things, but afterwards you will feel much lighter, and in turn have a higher vibration.

Wear something that makes you feel beautiful or sexy. Even if you have nowhere special to go, dressing in a way that makes you feel good does just that: it makes you feel good. My mother impressed upon me that “presentation is everything”.  I believed her and present myself to the world in a beautiful way each day.  Yes, EACH day.

Reach out and connect to the world around you! This is so important, and can look many different ways. Hug a child, play with your cat or dog, call an old friend, tell a loved one how much you care about them, make eye contact with and smile at a perfect stranger, open an inspirational book to a random page and read it. Join FaceBook or Twitter  or LinkedIn if necessary to keep you globally social.

Put yourself in an inspiring place either physically or mentally, open your arms wide stretched over your head to the sky or ceiling and say out loud “I am open and willing to receive ALL the good and abundance the Universe (or God or Buddha or Ja or Higher Power) has to give.”  Then putting both hands in prayer position, bow your head and say out loud  “I am grateful” AND MEAN IT!

Doing any of the above things to raise your vibration can be downright magical in getting you to a better place (i.e. higher vibration), but like with anything else, it is you who has to give yourself the proper kick in the butt to do them. Try any or all of these out and pay attention to the ones that really get you going; knowing how you work and what you best respond to can make all the difference in giving yourself that kick in the butt!!!  Have FUN!!


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