There are some people you are never going to be right with. No matter what you say, how you say it, what you do or how you do it, there are people who are going to find something wrong with everything. This includes you. There are some people who can take what you say and twist it into something you did not say in order to be right. By the time you realize you are fighting a losing battle, it is too late. They are right and you feel wrong. You see the challenge with being confronted by an I gotta be right person is they have a way of bringing out the I gotta be right in you.

When you have the smallest glimmer of I’ve gotta be right in your eyes, people detect it. Even when you couch your need in care or concern, those you approach recognize in you what they know about themselves. In response, they become as determined as you. They have a need to be right and they are not afraid to sacrifice you in pursuit of their own needs. If you have the same need, somebody is going to go down, hard.

The need to be right is nothing more than the need for external validation. The conflict created when one need to be right person locks horns with another need to be right person is really a blessing in disguise.  The one who can back down first, without feeling they have lost anything, is the one who is well on their way to self acceptance, self forgiveness and self love.

Until today, you may not have been aware that you may still need external validation to feel good about yourself. Just for today, surrender. Drop your hands to your side. Take a deep breath. Ask yourself, ‘what is it that I believe is wrong with me or about me’. Answer that question, and you will never again need to be right. You will know when you are. Nothing else will matter.

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