In RADICAL HEALING Rudolph Ballentine M.D. states  “ the one disease where chemical pollutants have received lots of attention is cancer. Here the links between exposure to toxic substances and the development of the disease have become increasingly clear. Now many researchers are saying that two –thirds of the causative factors in breast cancer are environmental, most of those factors being toxic pollution.”

The list goes on and on.  Yet, from these quotes, a picture of cancer as a multi –dimensional disease is evident. Therefore, caring for a person with cancer requires an understanding of physical, emotional, chemical and spiritual approaches.  A very tall order.. ..yet,  not unobtainable.

Another aspect regarding the research of cancer is that at the current time, it is a multi-million dollar industry.  Drug companies, oncology clinics and doctors often put profits over people.  Sad but true.  The simple integrative natural approaches cost far less and don’t line as many peoples’ pockets.

Also those wanting integrative approaches to healing cancer are often scorned due to fear by the very people who could be a tremendous support system to them,  i.e. family and friends.   Even medical doctors who have stood courageously in defending their natural choices have received vicious criticism.

An example of this is Dr. Lorraine Day an orthodox M.D., who served 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine.   She was also the Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery.

When diagnosed with cancer, a tumor the size of a grapefruit above her breast, she opted to forego chemo and conventional treatments because of her in depth experience with so many intrusive measures causing more pain, suffering and death.

Instead she used information from the scriptures and embarked on a challenging adventure of healing with organic food and natural juices. Her videos, “Cancer Doesn’t Scare Me Anymore” and “You Can’t Improve on God” are ground breaking.  And still, where are they in a regimen for those searching for integrative approaches?                                                                                              

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