There is hope for cancer involving the alternative community.  We are making progress. We now know good nutrition; mostly organic vegetarian is a keystone in breast, endometrial, prostate, stomach and intestinal cancers.

A ten year study by Cancer Research UK, whose results were published in THE LANCET in July 2002, concluded that women can significantly reduce their risk of breast cancer by breast feeding as long as possible.

Environmental toxins such as radiation, increased fluoride, air pollution, pesticides and artificial colors and flavors contribute to an unhealthy internal scenario that encourages cancer. Tobacco and excess alcohol consumption are suspect and psychological stress and grief, when prolonged, contribute to a decrease in the immune response which in turn set fertile ground for cancer. Deep seated emotional resentment is part of the poisonous mix well.

The good thing from all this is that we know that early prevention and lifestyle changes are the best modas operandi when dealing with cancer and not a mix of chemical drugs with dangerous side effects.

Consequently a clean environment of water, air and sunshine, healthy herbs, organic fruits and veggies, coconut oil and water, are key components for cancer prevention. And of course cleaning up any stinking thinking along with a relationship that includes  a “higher power” MUST be part of the foundation upon which cancer no longer holds such a dread for human beings. It all begins with YOU. Don’t just talk about it JUST DO IT.

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