The power of words has been recognized since ancient times.  One word can trigger strong emotions in people who may have different perceptions of it.  In modern times such a word is “cancer”. The pictures people have in their minds of this word are usually very negative, scary, hopeless, fearful and sad.

Yet through all the trappings of failed treatments, come stories of triumph from many who were diagnosed with it and found a “cure”.  Throughout my 35 years of serving patients in the alternative health care field, I have read hundreds of stories of people who healed from cancer. Yet when I mention this to others they are in denial about the ability to get help from this “monster”.

So what is really going on?? Why doesn’t the medical model have these amazing turn around stories in their journals? Of course, doctors retort these are unscientific, unsubstantiated claims. For those who have been healed, the opposite is definitely true.

In his book WHO GETS SICK, Blair Justice, Ph.D.  has this to say about cancer, “Even with all the powerful anti-cancer drugs , new forms of radiation therapy and surgical approaches, little progress has been made in the last 25 years on the biggest cancer killers – cancer of the lung, the breast, the colon, and the prostate.

Since many tumors metastasize quite easily, researchers have recognized that radiation therapy and surgery will never be “the answer” and no magic bullet is there to be found.  Despite the lack of major therapeutic advances, there is now “high confidence “among researchers about making a significant impact on cancer.   A better understanding of the disease is emerging from fundamental research on how cancer develops. That our attitudes and coping reactions may contribute to whether we get cancer, is an idea now supported by evidence beyond anecdotal and retrospective studies.”

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