I have been amazed and troubled by many female patients who present themselves to me with a list of four or five drugs they are consuming. I really need not be surprised since prescription statistics show that the American woman uses nearly 65% more drugs, on average, than men. This of course makes women a more profitable market than men. In 2009 alone, drug and bio-tech companies were testing or waiting FDA approval for more than 850 different drugs for diseases that relate to women!
Here is a list of what illnesses are targeted: breast and ovarian cancer, depression and anxiety, arthritis, muskuloskeletal disorders, Alzheimer’s Disease, autoimmune diseases, and obstetric/gynecologic conditions. What is disturbing here is that statistics from Kaiser Health Foundation show the average American adult aged 19 -64, now takes more than 11 prescription drugs per day!
The word used to describe this phenomenon is “polypharmacy.” Women and senior citizens are definitely at risk but anyone taking more than ONE drug exponentially increases their risk of harmful side effects. I wonder what the statistics show for women and seniors on Dominica?
So here is a simple test. If you are taking prescription drugs and you answer YES to any of these questions you may be at risk of polypharmacy.
–Do you take herbs, vitamins or OTC (over the counter) products?
–Do you have to take medicine more than once a day?
–Do you have poor eye sight or hearing?
–Do you live alone?
–Do you use different pharmacies to fill your prescriptions?
–Do you sometimes forget to take your medication?
It is up to you to research the drugs you are taking and ask your doctor serious questions about the number of drugs you are taking. It is up to you NOT to become a statistic of polypharmacy .