On Saturday, January 21, eight excited students completed “The Top Ten Pain Releasers” workshop taught by Dr. Janet Taylor, a certified Touch for Health instructor. The workshop was held at Quantum Leap, Dr. Taylor’s office in Wotten Waven. One student traveled from Lexington, Kentucky to take the class because it was very relevant to the person’s well being. Dr. Taylor is traveling the world to bring this vital information to anyone wishing to learn how to relieve pain, tension and stress in the body using natural, safe, simple techniques. This is the second class Dr. Taylor has successfully taught in Dominica. Continuing Education credits are awarded to massage therapists, acupuncturists and nurses for the class. Some local businesses are realizing the benefits of sending an employee to learn the techniques which can be used to help others in the works place and cut down on sick leave absentees.
In the photo from left to right front row are Noelize Knight-Didier, Cedric Harris, Dr. Janet Taylor
Back row are Erica Burnett-Biscombe, Samantha Defoe-Francis, Noah Taylor, Cecily Lees, Eric Elizee and Sharma Abdulah.