In February 2011, Dr. Janet flew to Florida for a six day intensive workshop learning Touch for Health 2-4. Arlene Green, wife of Larry Green, Dr. Janet’s former 2010 instructor and friend, lead the students through six days of jam packed information, practice and review. Some of the information covered was muscles testing for 42 distinct muscles, neurolymphatic massage points, neurovascular holding points, accupressure points, posture analysis, meridian massage, pain control, food testing, emotional stress release and many more techniques related to the “self-responsibility model upon which Touch for Health is based.
Once she completed this course of study, she committed to the 10 day intensive slated for October where she will receive a certificate to teach Touch for Health to others. Dr. Taylor feels that after 34 years of serving in an office environment she now wants to teach people how to take care of themsevles. Slhown in the photo with Dr. Taylor front row left to right are Max Desrosiers, Danielle Vagnini. Back row left to right Arlene Green, Touch for Health instructor, Sherri Rodriguez, Krystal Case, Mary Jo Young.