I am a deeply concerned human being who knows that people have the divine birthright to high level wellness. I have used my own life to test and retest the truth of this statement.  I love the human experience and have faith that everyone is on the path to becoming fully realized human beings.

In order to live my convictions, I choose to provide health care that addresses wellness, and tells the truth to patients about their dysfunctions and how they can be responsible for their lives even though they may feel completely our of control.

As a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic I am able to offer in depth education on the devastating effects of vertebral subluxation on human health.  In the office, myself and my staff, go to extraordinary measures in educating our patients and thus the community about the benefits of chiropractic for the restoration of health.  This, in turn, allows patients to take better care of their physical, mental and spiritual selves by turning on the power of their own innate healing potential.

Our mission at the office is to serve as many people as possible with the highest quality of care so that their greatest human potential can be attained.  We encourage our patients to help us by participating in this most challenging and noble mission.

I do my work to help the body of mankind change the destructive course I see it traveling.  I am part of that body and know that only through steadfast unconditional love for myself and all others can we make a difference to heal the deep scars perpetuated by fear and helplessness.

Dr. Janet Taylor


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